Thursday, November 15, 2007

That was a great rehearsal last night!

What a great rehearsal last night. I really saw things come together. Thanks so much for all your hard work. How did it feel to have some costumes and the set and props? Are you getting excited for the show? I know I can't wait.

I also want to thank everyone who made the costumes, set, and props possible. You have no idea how many angels are working in the wings for this show. We are blessed.

I'm sitting here this morning making a list of all the ways I am blessed by God. You guys are on that list. Make your own list of blessings. Then when hard times come, and unfortunately, they will, you will have your list to read and be encouraged by.

So, we have time off for Thanksgiving. Your assigment is to make that list of blessings. Put it in your favorite journal or a nice piece of paper and frame it to hang in your room. You'll know where to find it when you need to be reminded that God loves you immeasurably and will never stop loving you.

I'm going to ask about your lists at dress rehearsal.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Mrs. V


broadway girl said...

i can't wait! i can't wait! i can't wait! i'm so excited! you guys are the best! :)

broadway girl said...

P. S. I updated my profile so if anyone wants to see how stupid it is, go ahead